Alacsony költségű, nagy teljesítményű SCARA robotok
Kitűnő hatékonyság és megbízhatóság alacsony áron.
01 Ideális választás gépjárműalkatrészek szállítására és összeszerelésére
02 Nagy sebességű
A kar felépítésének felülvizsgálatával leredukálták a vibrációt és optimalizálták a robot mozgását, csökkentve a standard ciklusidőt. Gyorsaság, kevesebb vibráció, gyors feladatkezelés a termelékenység növeléséért.

03 Feladatok széles körére ajánlott
Összeszerelés, csomagolás, palettázás, szortírozás, ellenőrzés, címkézés, forrasztás

04 Nagy teljesítményének és alacsony árának köszönhetően tökéletes a költséghatékony gyártócella építéséhez.
05 Optimalizált automatikus gyorsulás / lassulás
Az optimális gyorsulást és lassulást az egység automatikusan kalkulálja a robotkar állása és csupán három megadott paraméter alapján (teher, tehetetlenségi nyomaték, súlypontkihelyezés).

06 Kábelelvezetési opciók

07 Egységes kialakítás
08 Kamerarendszer könnyű integrációja - RCX340 vezérlővel az optimalizált működésért

Egyéb adatok
X-axis | Y-axis | Z-axis | R-axis | |||
Axis specifi cations |
Arm length(mm) | 225 | 175 | 150 | - | |
Rotation angle(°) | ±132 | ±150 | - | ±360 | ||
AC servo motor output(W) | 200 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ||
Deceleration mechanism |
Transmission method |
Motor to speed reducer | Direct-coupled | Timing belt | ||
Speed reducer to output | Direct-coupled | Timing belt | ||||
Repeatability Note 1(XYZ:mm)(R:°) | ±0.01 | ±0.01 | ±0.01 | |||
Maximum speed(XYZ:m/sec)(R:°/sec) | 6 | 1.1 | 2600 | |||
Maximum payload(kg) | 4 kg (Standard specification), 3 kg (Option specifications Note 4) | |||||
Standard cycle time: with 2kg payload Note 2(sec) | 0.41 | |||||
R-axis tolerable moment of inertia Note 3(kgm2) | 0.05 (0.5kgfcms2) | |||||
User wiring(sq×wires) | 0.2 × 10 | |||||
User tubing (Outer diameter) | φ4×3 | |||||
Travel limit | 1.Soft limit 2.Mechanical stopper (X,Y,Z axis) | |||||
Robot cable length(m) | Standard: 3.5 m Option: 5 m, 10 m | |||||
Weight(kg) | 17 |
Note 1. This is the value at a constant ambient temperature. (X,Y axes)
Note 2. When reciprocating 300mm in horizontal and 25mm in vertical directions and performing the coarse positioning arch operation.
Note 3. The acceleration coefficient is set automatically in accordance with the tip weight and offset amount for R-axis moment of inertia settings.
Note 4. Maximum payload of option specifications (with user wiring/tubing through spline type) is 3kg.
X-axis | Y-axis | Z-axis | R-axis | |||
Axis specifi cations |
Arm length(mm) | 235 | 275 | 200 | - | |
Rotation angle(°) | ±134 | ±152 | - | ±360 | ||
AC servo motor output(W) | 400 | 200 | 200 | 200 | ||
Deceleration mechanism |
Transmission method |
Motor to speed reducer | Direct-coupled | Timing belt | ||
Speed reducer to output | Direct-coupled | Timing belt | ||||
Repeatability Note 1(XYZ:mm)(R:°) | ±0.01 | ±0.01 | ±0.01 | |||
Maximum speed(XYZ:m/sec)(R:°/sec) | 7.8 | 2 | 2600 | |||
Maximum payload(kg) | 10 kg (Standard specifi cation), 9 kg (Option specifi cations Note 4) | |||||
Standard cycle time: with 2kg payload Note 2(sec) | 0.38 | |||||
R-axis tolerable moment of inertia Note 3(kgm2) | 0.3 | |||||
User wiring(sq×wires) | 0.2 × 20 | |||||
User tubing (Outer diameter) | φ6×3 | |||||
Travel limit | 1.Soft limit 2.Mechanical stopper (X,Y,Z axis) | |||||
Robot cable length(m) | Standard: 3.5 m Option: 5 m, 10 m | |||||
Weight(kg) | 25 |
Note 1. This is the value at a constant ambient temperature. (X,Y axes)
Note 2. When reciprocating 300mm in horizontal and 25mm in vertical directions and performing the coarse positioning arch operation.
Note 3. The acceleration coefficient is set automatically in accordance with the tip weight and offset amount for R-axis moment of inertia settings.
Note 4. Maximum payload of option specifications (with user wiring/tubing through spline type) is 3kg.
X-axis | Y-axis | Z-axis | R-axis | |||
Axis specifi cations |
Arm length(mm) | 335 | 275 | 200 | - | |
Rotation angle(°) | ±134 | ±152 | - | ±360 | ||
AC servo motor output(W) | 400 | 200 | 200 | 200 | ||
Deceleration mechanism |
Transmission method |
Motor to speed reducer | Direct-coupled | Timing belt | ||
Speed reducer to output | Direct-coupled | Timing belt | ||||
Repeatability Note 1(XYZ:mm)(R:°) | ±0.01 | ±0.01 | ±0.01 | |||
Maximum speed(XYZ:m/sec)(R:°/sec) | 8.6 | 2 | 2600 | |||
Maximum payload(kg) | 10 kg (Standard specifi cation), 9 kg (Option specifi cations Note 4) | |||||
Standard cycle time: with 2kg payload Note 2(sec) | 0.39 | |||||
R-axis tolerable moment of inertia Note 3(kgm2) | 0.3 | |||||
User wiring(sq×wires) | 0.2 × 20 | |||||
User tubing (Outer diameter) | φ6×3 | |||||
Travel limit | 1.Soft limit 2.Mechanical stopper (X,Y,Z axis) | |||||
Robot cable length(m) | Standard: 3.5 m Option: 5 m, 10 m | |||||
Weight(kg) | 25 |
Note 1. This is the value at a constant ambient temperature. (X,Y axes)
Note 2. When reciprocating 300mm in horizontal and 25mm in vertical directions and performing the coarse positioning arch operation.
Note 3. The acceleration coefficient is set automatically in accordance with the tip weight and offset amount for R-axis moment of inertia settings.
Note 4. Maximum payload of option specifications (with user wiring/tubing through spline type) is 9kg.
X-axis | Y-axis | Z-axis | R-axis | |||
Axis specifi cations |
Arm length(mm) | 435 | 275 | 200 | - | |
Rotation angle(°) | ±134 | ±152 | - | ±360 | ||
AC servo motor output(W) | 400 | 200 | 200 | 200 | ||
Deceleration mechanism |
Transmission method |
Motor to speed reducer | Direct-coupled | Timing belt | ||
Speed reducer to output | Direct-coupled | Timing belt | ||||
Repeatability Note 1(XYZ:mm)(R:°) | ±0.02 | ±0.01 | ±0.01 | |||
Maximum speed(XYZ:m/sec)(R:°/sec) | 9.5 | 2 | 2600 | |||
Maximum payload(kg) | 10 kg (Standard specifi cation), 9 kg (Option specifi cations Note 4) | |||||
Standard cycle time: with 2kg payload Note 2(sec) | 0.42 | |||||
R-axis tolerable moment of inertia Note 3(kgm2) | 0.3 | |||||
User wiring(sq×wires) | 0.2 × 20 | |||||
User tubing (Outer diameter) | φ6×3 | |||||
Travel limit | 1.Soft limit 2.Mechanical stopper (X,Y,Z axis) | |||||
Robot cable length(m) | Standard: 3.5 m Option: 5 m, 10 m | |||||
Weight(kg) | 26 |
Note 1. This is the value at a constant ambient temperature. (X,Y axes)
Note 2. When reciprocating 300mm in horizontal and 25mm in vertical directions and performing the coarse positioning arch operation.
Note 3. The acceleration coefficient is set automatically in accordance with the tip weight and offset amount for R-axis moment of inertia settings.
Note 4. Maximum payload of option specifications (with user wiring/tubing through spline type) is 9kg.